U.S. Trade with Tonga in 2023

Export Market Rank
#123 Among U.S. Agricultural Export Markets
Total Export Value
$10.86 Million
3-Year Average
$10.49 Million
Compound Average Growth
-2.23% (2014-2023)
Total Export Value 2014 - 2023
Export Value by Commodity 2023

Top 10 Exports to Tonga in 2023

Commodity Total Value (USD) Total Volume (Metric Tons) 10-Year Average Value (USD) 10-Year Growth
Poultry Meat & Prods. (excl. eggs) $6.77 Million 5,809 $8.26 Million -40%
Food Preparations $1.49 Million 731 $877,611 192%
Baked Goods $1.09 Million 367 $694,713 -21%
Meat Products NESOI $954,272 734 $157,894 11806%
Condiments & Sauces $119,319 33 $161,430 2757%
Eggs & Products $114,209 --- $170,900 37%
Pork & Pork Products $84,918 17 $186,006 -20%
Tree Nuts $81,840 20 $63,264 ---
Fresh Fruit $64,360 56 $78,661 ---
Distilled Spirits $28,425 --- $33,268 -40%

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