U.S. Eggs & Products Exports in 2023

Total Export Value
$760.89 Million
3-Year Average
$736.81 Million
Compound Average Growth
1.8% (2014-2023)
Market Total Value (USD)
Mexico $218.73 Million
Canada $200.5 Million
Japan $54.76 Million
Jamaica $43.8 Million
European Union $42.9 Million
Brazil $42.5 Million
Trinidad and Tobago $26.65 Million
United Kingdom $22.8 Million
Guyana $14.31 Million
Bahamas, The $11.93 Million
Top 10 Eggs & Products Export Markets 2014 - 2023
Annual Eggs & Products Exports 2014 - 2023

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Data and Analysis

Since USDA first established a stand-alone mission area focusing on trade and international affairs in 2017, USDA’s Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs and the Foreign Agricultural Service, have made significant trade policy advances to support U.S. agriculture. This series of commodity fact sheets highlights the many recent trade policy advances achieved by USDA.
South Africa is currently facing the worst outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) since 2017 with seven of the nine provinces in the country reporting outbreaks.
Taiwan has temporarily revised its quarantine requirements to curtail disease-zone restrictions for imported eggs and egg products.

News and Features

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative have reopened the Colombian market for U.S. poultry and egg product exports, culminating several months of collaborations with the Colombian Institute of Agriculture to resolve this trade barrier.