Western Hemisphere

Data and Analysis

On July 7, 2024, the Government of Mexico (GOM) announced an update for registrations in the National Catalogue of Plant Varieties to include “native varieties.” According to the GOM announcement about the update, the purpose of the change is to...
This report describes the major export certificates required by the Government of the Dominican Republic (GoDR) for imports of food and agricultural products. No substantive changes were published as of June 2024.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Grain and Feed Update

Argentine wheat production in marketing year (MY) 2024/2025 is forecast up at 18.6 million tons, 600,000 tons higher than USDA’s official estimates as a result of higher planted area. Exports in the same period are projected up at 12.4 million tons...


All times in ET.
Oct 1
Oct 4
Trade Show  |  USDA Endorsed

Espacio Food and Service

Santiago, Chile

News and Features

Export Sales Announcement

Export Sales to Mexico

Private exporters reported sales of 133,000 MT of corn for delivery to Mexico during MY 2024/2025.
Export Sales Announcement

Export Sales to Colombia

Private exporters reported sales of 100,000 MT of corn for delivery to Colombia during MY 2023/2024.
Under Secretary Alexis Taylor arrived in Vancouver today to launch USDA’s first trade mission dedicated to developing export markets for Tribal and Native Hawaiian businesses and products.