U.S. Trade with Angola in 2023

Export Market Rank
#64 Among U.S. Agricultural Export Markets
Total Export Value
$118.16 Million
3-Year Average
$161.09 Million
Compound Average Growth
-8.83% (2014-2023)
Total Export Value 2014 - 2023
Export Value by Commodity 2023

Top 10 Exports to Angola in 2023

Commodity Total Value (USD) Total Volume (Metric Tons) 10-Year Average Value (USD) 10-Year Growth
Poultry Meat & Prods. (excl. eggs) $114.69 Million 104,139 $150.12 Million -56%
Beef & Beef Products $1.35 Million 919 $4.63 Million -91%
Food Preparations $437,109 134 $1.86 Million -88%
Pork & Pork Products $365,736 224 $177,445 198%
Pulses $220,270 191 $1.97 Million -98%
Essential Oils $203,875 35 $541,414 -88%
Rice $167,849 120 $226,873 -3%
Sugar $158,508 19 $155,673 ---
Vegetable Oils (excl. soybean) $137,520 238 $71,107 135%
Fresh Vegetables $127,000 118 $82,917 ---

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Data and Analysis

Attaché Report (GAIN)

Angola: Exporter Guide Annual

With a population of nearly 36 million people, including a segment of high-income consumers looking for quality imported products, Angola presents an array of export opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural products. Angola is a significant importer of food and agricultural goods, making foreign purchases totaling more than $1.7 billion from more than 60 countries in 2023.
On April 1, 2024, Angola issued Presidential Legislative Decree No. 1/24 – a new Schedule for Customs Tariffs of Import and Export Duties. The new tariff schedule aims to generate more government revenue while also protecting domestic production.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Angola: Poultry and Products Annual

Post forecasts 2024 imports will be fall by 4.5 percent to 210,000 metric tons (MT). Since the presidential elections in 2022, Angolan chicken meat imports have been decreasing due to devaluation of the Angolan currency (kwanza) and growing food price inflation.

News and Features

USDA Deputy Secretary Torres Small visited a USDA-supported school feeding program and garden at the Mungazine Primary School in Mozambique.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small is leading USDA’s first agribusiness trade mission to Luanda, Angola, this week, accompanied by representatives from the Kansas and Wisconsin departments of agriculture, as well as 16 U.S. companies and organizations.
USDA, through its administration of the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition (McGovern-Dole) Program, is the largest global donor to school feeding efforts, providing U.S. agricultural commodities, funding, and technical assistance to reduce hunger, support nutrition, and improve literacy and primary education, especially for girls, around the world.