USDA Under Secretary Kicks Off Agribusiness Trade Mission to Japan

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USDA Under Secretary Taylor welcomes officials from the Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Nebraska, and North Dakota state departments of agriculture to Tokyo.
USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis Taylor welcomes leaders and officials from the Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Nebraska, and North Dakota state departments of agriculture to Tokyo for the USDA agribusiness trade mission this week.

TOKYO, June 5, 2023 – Today, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor launched an agribusiness trade mission to Japan. The U.S. delegation includes representatives from 11 state departments of agriculture, numerous farm organizations, and 40 agribusinesses looking to connect with future business partners in Japan.

“As one of the largest world economies, Japan is one of the top and most reliable trading partners for the United States. Every year for over the past two decades, Japan has imported at least $10 billion worth of U.S. food and agriculture products, reaching a record-high $14.6 billion in 2022. This shows that there is a continuously growing demand for U.S. products in Japan, providing U.S. exporters with a tremendous opportunity to expand their exporting,” said Under Secretary Taylor. “On this agribusiness trade mission, we have many incredible businesses joining this delegation to showcase the strength of U.S. food and agriculture products. Japanese consumers are especially interested in high-quality, health-oriented products, and I am confident that U.S. businesses can meet and exceed these expectations.”

Throughout this week, USDA will help facilitate business-to-business meetings between participating small and medium-sized U.S. agribusinesses and Japanese buyers seeking to import American food and farm products. The trade mission itinerary also includes meetings with Japanese and local prefecture government officials and industry groups to discuss trade issues and unique opportunities offered by Japanese consumers, retail promotions featuring U.S. products, and visits to Japanese farms and packaging facilities.


Under Secretary Taylor, joined by the state departments of agriculture representatives, will hold a media teleconference, focused on the agribusiness trade mission to Japan, on Thurs., June 8, at 10 a.m. EST. Reporters interested in participating should email by 4 p.m. EST on June 7 for dial-in instructions.


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