Mexico: Avocado Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico is the leading producer and exporter of avocados globally, with nearly 964,000 metric tons valued at over USD 2.4 billion exported to the United States in marketing year (MY) 2019/20 (JulyJune), a historical record for both quantity and value. Production in the state of Michoacán, the only state with U.S. market access, was seven percent higher compared to the previous marketing year, and production and exports are expected to grow even further in MY 2020/21. Despite COVID-19 pandemic challenges to agricultural harvests and supply chains, avocado demand in the United States remained strong and is forecast to increase. Avocados are a significant agricultural product for Mexico, and one of the primary beneficiaries of U.S.- Mexico agricultural trade under the North American Free Trade Agreement (now United States- Mexico- Canada Agreement), with Mexican avocado trade values increasing over 455 percent since its implementation.

Mexico: Avocado Annual

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