Fruits and Vegetables

U.S. Fruits and Vegetables Exports in 2023

Total Export Value
$12.7 Billion
Total Volume (Millions)
6.98 Metric Tons
3-Year Average
$12.57 Billion
Compound Average Growth
-0.45% (2014-2023)
Market Total Value (USD)
Canada $5.53 Billion
Mexico $1.98 Billion
Japan $1.05 Billion
South Korea $624.45 Million
Taiwan $389.04 Million
European Union $364.11 Million
China $213.26 Million
Australia $203.7 Million
Hong Kong $190.64 Million
Philippines $178.87 Million
Top 10 Fruits and Vegetables Export Markets 2014 - 2023
Annual Fruits and Vegetables Exports 2014 - 2023

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Data and Analysis

World Production, Markets, and Trade Report

Citrus: World Markets and Trade

This biannual report, published in January and July, includes data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in citrus.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Stone Fruit Annual

This report covers peaches, nectarines, and cherries. Despite a persistent drought in northern China, production of peaches and nectarines is expected to gain slightly in MY 2024/25 to 17.6 MMT. Cherry production is estimated to continue increasing by 9 percent in MY 2024/25 to 850,000 MT on expanded area and increased bearings.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Citrus Semi-Annual

Peru’s mandarin/tangerine production and exports are expected to recover and increase by two and three percent, respectively, in MY 2023/2024 (March 2024 to February 2025). Production is forecast to reach 560,000 metric tons (MT), while exports are forecast to recover to 210,000 MT.

News and Features

Stakeholder Notice

USDA Seeks Input on $50-Million Food Aid Pilot

FAS is seeking stakeholder input on a pilot project to include non-traditional commodities in the U.S. government’s international food assistance programs.
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced appointments to the newly established Seasonal and Perishable Agricultural Products Advisory Committee.
Secretary Vilsack announced today that USDA is allocating $300 million to 66 U.S. organizations to build demand for American food and farm exports in high-potential markets around the globe.