Ethanol (non-bev.)

U.S. Ethanol (non-bev.) Exports in 2023

Total Export Value
$3.81 Billion
3-Year Average
$3.4 Billion
Compound Average Growth
6.3% (2014-2023)
Market Total Value (USD)
Canada $1.74 Billion
United Kingdom $409.92 Million
European Union $333.35 Million
India $245.91 Million
South Korea $241.16 Million
Colombia $223.42 Million
Mexico $148.07 Million
Peru $146.76 Million
Jamaica $70.43 Million
Philippines $69.61 Million
Top 10 Ethanol (non-bev.) Export Markets 2014 - 2023
Annual Ethanol (non-bev.) Exports 2014 - 2023

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Data and Analysis

On October 17, 2024, the Tariff Changes Committee (CAT) of the Chamber of Foreign Trade (Camex) rejected the request made by the Brazilian Association of Fuel Importers (ABICOM) and the U.S. Grains Council to remove the 18 percent tariff on ethanol imports to Brazil.
Since USDA first established a stand-alone mission area focusing on trade and international affairs in 2017, USDA’s Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs and the Foreign Agricultural Service, have made significant trade policy advances to support U.S. agriculture. This series of commodity fact sheets highlights the many recent trade policy advances achieved by USDA.
On January 5, 2024, The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Ministry of Economy authorized for the first time the commercialization of four genetically modified (GM) yeasts to enhance bioethanol production through grain fermentation. Industry supports this decision and expects it to help pave the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future in fuels.

News and Features

Japan ’s new biofuels policy will help promote a cleaner, more sustainable energy future and will expand U.S. ethanol producers’ producers’ access to the Japanese market.
The American agricultural sector posted its best export year ever in 2022 with international sales of U.S. farm and food products reaching $196 billion.