China: MOFCOM Drops AD and CVD Investigations on imports of U.S. Sorghum

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

On May 18, 2018 MOFCOM announced that it will drop its antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing (CVD) duty investigation on imports of U.S. sorghum, which was initiated on February 4 and resulted in the collection of cash deposits for a 178.6 percent temporary AD duty starting on April 18. As a result of its investigation, MOFCOM ruled that it will no longer collect the 178.6 percent AD deposit on U.S. sorghum imports and will return any collections of the deposit received to date. The announcement cited three reasons for ending the investigation: (1) it did not serve China’s public interest (2) it harmed Chinese farmers and downstream industry and (3) it raised living costs for consumers. This GAIN report contains an unofficial translation of MOFCOM’s latest announcement. 

China: MOFCOM Drops AD and CVD Investigations on imports of U.S. Sorghum


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