FAQ - USDA Trade Missions

How much does it cost to participate in a USDA trade mission?

Does USDA provide any other financial support for participants?

  • USDA will facilitate business-to-business meetings and cover most on-ground expenses such as mission-related local transportation, meeting venues and logistics, and interpretation. If you represent an organization that participates in the Market Access Program (MAP) via a State and Regional Trade Group, please check with your primary MAP point of contact to determine whether some of the costs associated with this mission may be reimbursable.

Can I apply even if my market sector is not among those being highlighted?

  • Anyone is welcome to apply. Our goal is not to make participation exclusive, but rather to ensure that the resources you are committing to participate are well spent. We will review every company’s candidacy on a case-by-case basis and reach out to those that we believe may not be the best fit for a particular trade mission.

What will a trade mission include?

  • Trade missions generally include visits to one or more countries. The structure allows for an average of 2 days spent in each country during a one-week period if the mission is to two countries, or four days in-country for a single location trade mission. During that time, participants will receive first-hand education about business conditions in the country and region through meetings with local companies and government officials, interactions with U.S. Embassy staff, site visits to local business facilities, and informal networking with other mission participants. Additionally, companies will have at least 1 day (if the mission is visiting two countries) or 2 days (if the mission is in one country) for targeted business-to-business meetings in order to sell U.S. agricultural products.

For more information, please contact trademissions@fas.usda.gov