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FAS Open Data Services

API portal provides users the ability to obtain programmatic access to publicly available agricultural commodity data.


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Commodity Intelligence Report

South Africa: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Semi-annual

The production of apples, pears and table grapes is estimated to increase in the 2020/21 marketing year .
Commodity Intelligence Report

New Zealand: Dairy and Products Semi-annual

Despite a declining national dairy herd, New Zealand milk production continues to rise and is forecast to reach a record in 2021.
Commodity Intelligence Report

Summer Drought Limits Upside Potential for China Corn Yields

According to Chinese government sources, a drought has affected 2.3 million people, 2.5 million head of livestock, and about 5 million hectares of cropland in 12 provinces and regions this summer.
Commodity Intelligence Report

Peru Wheat Production Limited by Competition from Corn and Quinoa

The Peruvian wheat crop for 2014/15 is estimated at 150,000 hectares (Ha) with a trend yield of 1.52 metric tons per Ha (MT/Ha), for a projected production of 230,000 metric tons (MT). Wheat area is estimated to decrease three percent this season...