Sri Lanka: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CE2023-0019


Office of Agricultural Affairs, Colombo   |   (011-94) (11) 249-8500
Sri Lanka does not produce genetically engineered (GE) crops or animals. There is some GE research at the laboratory level, but there is no commercialization. The lack of a legal framework and biosafety procedures are a major setback; the country, however, is in the process of finalizing regulatory biotechnology policies. Policies remain at varying stages of development and implementation, and include the National Biotechnology Policy, the National Biosafety Framework, as well as the Control of Import, Labeling and Sale of Genetically Modified Foods Regulation (2006) and its amendment. Development of the National Biosafety Framework conforms to commitments made under the Cartagena Protocol (signed and ratified in 2004). The new legal framework for biosafety will become effective with the enactment of the National Biosafety Act. The draft Act is with the Legal Draftsman's Department, awaiting further approvals from the Attorney General and the Cabinet.

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