Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Morocco's 2024 FTA Tariff Schedule

On January 1, 2024, the Government of Morocco (GOM) published Circular # 6519/222, announcing the required tariff changes under the U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (FTA) for Calendar Year 2024. The circular includes tariffs, tariff-rate quotas...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Morocco's 2023 FTA Tariff Schedule - Public

On January 5, 2023, the Government of Morocco (GOM) published Circular # 6406/222, announcing the required tariff changes under the U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (FTA) for Calendar Year 2023. The circular includes tariffs, tariff-rate quotas...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Morocco's 2022 FTA Tariff Schedule - Public

On January 3, 2022, the Government of Morocco (GOM) published Circular # 6279/222, announcing the required tariff changes under the U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (FTA) for Calendar Year 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Retail Foods

The U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is the only U.S. FTA on the African continent and offers advantages to exporters seeking to do business in Africa.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional

The hotel, restaurant and institutional industry (HRI) experienced an unprecedented shutdown due to State of Health Emergency measures related to COVID-19.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: US-Morocco FTA - Market Access Changes in 2019

Now in the 14th year of the U.S.-Morocco FTA, this report contains an unofficial translation of Moroccan Customs Circular N° 5888/222, issued December 28, 2018.
Column chart comparing the change in value of U.S. agricultural exports before and after key trade agreements.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Free Trade Agreements and U.S. Agriculture

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) help expand foreign markets for U.S. producers and exporters by reducing trade barriers, fostering a more stable and transparent environment for trade and investment...
International Agricultural Trade Report

A Review of U.S. Tariff Rate Quotas for Beef Imports

The United States is the world’s largest producer of beef but it also imports more beef than any other country.