Ukraine Situation

This page includes resources and information published by USDA pertaining to the Russian war on Ukraine and its global agricultural and food security impacts.

USDA Assistance to Ukraine

U.S.-Ukraine Memorandum of  Understanding Regarding Agricultural Cooperation

Data and Analysis

World Agricultural Production

World Agricultural Production

Monthly report on crop acreage, yield and production in major countries worldwide. Sources include reporting from FAS’s worldwide offices, official statistics of foreign governments....
World Agricultural Production

World Agricultural Production

Monthly report on crop acreage, yield and production in major countries worldwide. Sources include reporting from FAS’s worldwide offices, official statistics of foreign governments....
World Agricultural Production

World Agricultural Production

Monthly report on crop acreage, yield and production in major countries worldwide. Sources include reporting from FAS’s worldwide offices, official statistics of foreign governments....

News and Features

Today USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service released a dashboard that demonstrates the scope of Black Sea grain and oilseed trade.
In a touching display of unity, remembrance, and resilience, the U.S.-Ukraine Memorial Tree Planting Ceremony took place May 10, 2023, at the prestigious U.S. National Arboretum.
USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service had an exceptional year in 2022, expanding U.S. agricultural trade, ramping up climate change resiliency work, and improving food and nutrition security around the globe.