Sale Data Required for Export Sales of U.S. Horticultural Products Under GSM-102 and GSM-103 Programs

  |   Program Notices

WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 1991 -- F. Paul Dickerson, general sales manager for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service and vice president of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), today issued instructions to U.S. exporters who may apply for coverage on sales of U.S. horticultural products (fresh and processed fruits and vegetables and tree nuts) to be exported under the CCC's Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102) and Intermediate Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-103). Dickerson indicated that until further notice, in addition to information required pursuant to program regulations (7 CFR 1493.40), the following information must be included in all applications for coverage on export credit sales of U.S. horticultural products under the GSM-102 and GSM-103 programs:

  1. Specific variety and common name of each commodity or product; e.g. red delicious apples or "cling" peaches.
  2. Grade/class/size (including count size), as applicable. Such information must be in standard terms, e.g. Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) grade for fresh fruits, vegetables, tree nuts and related commodities. If quality is based on private type, then the exporter must furnish information showing the universal standard equivalent of that private type.
  3. Packaging specifications including packing date, size, type, weight, medium (water, syrup, etc.), and special handling requirements, if any:
  4. Packing house location and brand name, if any.
  5. For fresh products only, month and year of harvest and growing region.
  6. For processed products only (including canned, dried or frozen), type of syrup/brix and style, e.g. halves, quarters, and slices, as applicable.
  7. Other differentiating or unique characteristics as may pertain, e.g. fresh, frozen, dried, canned, blanched, diced, etc.

Dickerson invited attention to definitions of terms as set forth in Section 1497.20 of program regulations. He especially noted "date of sale" and references therein to a "firm dollar and cent price".

Dickerson noted that horticultural products have not been routinely exported under these programs and that, accordingly, price review procedures may need further refinement. He further stated that contracting arrangements such as consignment sales, sometimes used for horticultural products, do not lend themselves to price review and appear to be unworkable in the GSM-102/103 programs. In administering program requirements, CCC may, at least initially, find it necessary to call upon exporters to provide additional, clarifying information not specified here.

Dickerson noted this additional information is needed to facilitate price review of U.S. horticultural product sales and thereby avoid delays in program implementation which might otherwise be experienced.