Poultry Meat 2019 Export Highlights

Top 10 Export Markets for U.S. Poultry Meat*

(values in million USD)
Country 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 % Change
5-Year Average
Mexico 1,029 932 933 956 1,077 13%  985 
Hong Kong 408 426 469 431 354 -18%  418 
Canada 594 510 459 405 353 -13%  464 
Cuba 78 105 165 155 191 23%  139 
Taiwan 163 127 152 189 187 -1%  164 
Angola 110 86 156 184 151 -18%  137 
Vietnam 84 79 76 110 140 28%  98 
Guatemala 104 104 118 123 132 7%  116 
Colombia 44 66 70 82 114 39%  75 
Philippines 68 77 92 111 102 -7%  90 
All Others 1,363 1,367 1,576 1,527 1,445 -5%  1,456 
Total Exported 4,043 3,879 4,267 4,272 4,245 -1%  4,141 

Source: U.S. Census Bureau Trade Data - BICO HS-10
*Excluding eggs


In 2019, the value of U.S. poultry and poultry product exports to the world reached $4.25 billion, down 1 percent from the prior year and still failing to recover to the pre-2015 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak levels. The top three markets, accounting for 42 percent of sales, were Mexico, Hong Kong, and Canada at $1.1 billion, $354 million, and $353 million, respectively. The continuation of generally positive trade conditions, including ample and affordable feed supplies, the absence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in the United States, and modest growth in global demand, supported sales in 2019. Positive developments in 2019 included increased exports to Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam, and Columbia all up from 13 to 39 percent. U.S. exports of poultry and poultry products are primarily of broiler meat (about 76 percent) to mostly developing markets. By volume, Mexico accounts for 21 percent of broiler meat shipments and no other market accounts for more than 10 percent of trade. Consequently, continuing economic growth and rising incomes in low- and middle-income countries bodes well for growing exports.


  • While 2019 export values grew in some key markets like Mexico, Cuba, Vietnam and Colombia, values fell in other major markets such as Hong Kong, Canada and Angola pushing overall sales down.
  • The United States continued to face market access issues in South South Korea Africa, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and India due to non-tariff and sanitary issues.
  • Strong competition from Brazilian exports have elevated the competitive environment for poultry exports and taken some of the U.S. export market share.
  • The United States continues to emphasize to the global trading community that using risk-based analysis and sound science are the best way to approach long-standing concerns such as HPAI regionalization and antibiotic detections.

Global Fresh Poultry Meat Exports

Graphic showing global poultry meat exports from 2015 - 2019
Looking Ahead

Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the volume of U.S. broiler and turkey meat exports for 2020 were forecast 4 and 3 percent higher, respectively. U.S. broiler meat exports for 2020 were forecast to eclipse the prior record set in 2013. Large domestic supplies and robust international demand will support stronger shipments with growth concentrated in developing markets like Mexico and the Philippines. While the Chinese market has reopened to U.S. poultry meat, tariffs will constrain price competitiveness unless China grants retaliatory tariff exemptions to U.S. imports. The USDA Long-term Projections reflect a positive outlook and forecast poultry meat exports to grow over the next 10 years. The United States is expected to maintain its position as the second-largest exporter of poultry meat, behind Brazil. Growing population and rising incomes, particularly in low- and middle-income countries will spur increased meat consumption, fostering demand for competitively priced chicken meat. Once fully implemented, USMCA will allow for improved U.S. chicken and turkey exports to Canada. However, the COVID-19 outbreak injects uncertainty into the equation as closures of packing plants may affect the value and volume of poultry supplies and decreased global economic growth may dampen demand.behind Brazil and India.

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