Tajikistan Award04-001

IFB #:
Tender Date:
Award Date:
Award Flag:
Gov. of Tajikistan
Food for Progress


Award 2.20.04

Shipper: Government of Tajikistan
Date award was approved by USDA: 07 November 2003
Freight Tender Nr: 04-001P-01
Vessel Owner: American President Lines Ltd.
Vessel: Sealand Developer V322 US flag, Service: P-1
Cargo: 1000 MNT Wheat Seeds in 25 KG Bags 
Available: December 4-12, 2003
Load port: Houston
Discharge/Destination Point: Delivered un-stuffed from carrier's
conveyance and stacked in receivers warehouse in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
Booked rate: $301.30/MT (O/F: $55.00/MT; US inland: $36.18/MT; Foreign
inland: $210.12/MT)
Terms: Full Liner all inclusive, no demurrage, no despatch, no
detention both ends.

Thanks and best regards,

Panalpina, Inc.,Projects Division

Tender Nov 4, 2003

Freight Tender: TAJIKISTAN Food for Progress Program
1,000 NMT Bagged Wheat Seed 25kg Bags
Tender No.: 03-0769P
Date: November 3, 2003
Panalpina, Inc., Project Division, Washington, DC 
On behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan
Requests freight offers for U.S. flag and non-U.S. flag vessels as follows:

Tender closing: 11:00 a.m. Hours Washington, DC time on November 5, 2003.

Available Loading: December 4-12, 2003
Load Point/ Port: Houston
Discharge/Destination Point: Delivered un-stuffed from carriers conveyance and stacked in receivers warehouse in Dushanbe, Tajikistan


Terms: Full liner terms all inclusive, no demurrage, no dispatch, no detention both ends. 
A)i) FAS Vessel Named Port of Loading: Cargo is to be delivered to the carrier at first point of rest within a USDA approved transport terminal within the commercial limits of the named port of loading free of wharfage assessed against the cargo by the governing port authority and/or receiving terminal. The Carrier is to nominate the transport terminal in writing within 3 business days after the carrier has received written notification from the shipper or its agent that all subjects on booking have been lifted. Carrier is to be liable for all costs incurred due to the failure to provide this information. The transport terminal can be a freight station, container terminal, or yard, a multipurpose cargo terminal, along side the vessel on the quay at the FAS port or any similar receiving point. Carrier is responsible for the cargo so delivered and shall load the said cargo on board the ocean going performing vessel at carriers risk, time and expense. If carrier will be containerizing said cargo, than carrier will arrange to stuff the cargo in carriers containers and load said stuffed containers on board ocean going performing vessel at carriers risk, time and expense. 
A) ii) Intermodal Bridge (As designated by letter B preceding point of origin ) Carrier is to provide the exact location for delivery at the named bridge point wher cargo is to be delivered to the carrier on rail cars, trucks or carrier supplied conveyance at the named bridge point. Carriers shall be responsible for the transportation expenses incurred to move the cargo to a USDA approved U.S. port of export and all charges incurred to load the ocean-going vessel. If trucks are to be used to transport the cargo to bridge point, then the freight tender must provide the information. 
B) Discharge/Delivery Terms: At destination point: cargo to be delivered, unloaded from carriers conveyance and stacked on floor of receivers warehouse in Dushanbe Metropolitan area, at carriers risk time and expense. No Demurrage, No Despatch, No Detention will apply on any containers, trucks and or rail wagons. Warehouse location to be within a 25 kilometer from the city.

7. Additional terms:
a) Shippers proforma booking note adapted for FFP FY2003 (available from Panalpina)
b) Cargoes to be containerized at load port by the ocean carrier into liner operated containers, each container is to be inspected by F.G.I.S or F.G.I.S. licensed inspector and must be certified by F.G.I.S. or F.G.I.S. licensed inspector as being (1) in wind-tight and water-tight condition for the intended voyage and possible long term open storage at discharge port; (2) not more than 10 years old; (3) not being a salvage container from previous owners/having been mustered out from regular service. A survey report certifying/attesting to the above must be submitted along with other documents required for freight payment.
c) Payment terms as per documentary requirements of USDA.

8. Other required information:
a) Vessels itinerary and current position.
b) Carriers are to submit their freight rates giving a breakdown for US Inland (if applicable), ocean freight, and foreign inland freight charges. Fumigation is required, carriers to state that in the freight break down.
c) Full particulars on intended routing from load point to final destination including port of embarkation from USA, any relay point of transshipment, port of discharge and inland routing to destinations. Shipper will require carrier to state name and point of contact of their inland freight contractor, 96 hours prior to shipment being loaded. This is of extreme importance to coordinate cargo delivery at destination.
d) ETS load port, estimated transit time from load port to discharge port, and estimated transit time from discharge port to final destination must be provided.

9. Offers to be submitted via fax 202/659-2830 or delivered to Panalpina, Inc., Project Division, 1100 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20036-4101.

10. Offer received after 1100 hours Washington, DC time on __________2003, will not be considered. Offers will not be read in public.

11. Section 408 of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1998, Public Law 105-383 (46 U.S.C. paragraph 2302(e), establishes effective January 1, 1999, with respect to non-U.S. flag vessels and operators/owners, that substandard vessels and vessels operated by operators/owners of substandard vessels are prohibited from the carriage of government impelled (preference) cargo(es) for up to one year after such substandard determination has been published electronically. As the cargo advertised in this IFB is a government impelled (preference) cargo, offer must warrant that vessel(s) and owner/operator are not disqualified to carry such government impelled (preference) cargo(es).

12. Evaluation and contract award: Offers, which do not comply with the mandatory requirements of the IFB including but not limited to the minimums and maximums specified above, will not be considered. Offers must include full particulars demonstrating the willingness and ability to meet these requirements. Shipper reserves the right to award without discussions. Award(s) will be to the lowest responsible offeror meeting the mandatory requirements of this IFB.
Cargo Preference (CP) compliance will be in accordance with the Maritime Administration January 8, 2003 letter. 

13. Shipper will impose a loading delay assessment (LDA) of USD1.00 per M/T reduction in freight rate per day. The LDA will be assessed for each day beyond the contracted load date plus a ten days grace period, that the vessel fails to present, and be accepted, at the first (or sole) load port to load the cargo under this freight tender. LDA, if any will be deducted from the freight payment.

14. Shipper will impose a delivery delay assessment (DDA) of USD 1.00 per M/T per day for all cargo arriving at point of destination 50 days after the bill of lading date of said cargo. The DDA, if any will be deducted from the ocean freight payment. 

15. Carriers shall include all actual and anticipated war risk insurance premiums in their offered rate(s). Owner bears the risk of any increase in war risk insurance premiums.

16. At discharge port and upon inspection by Governments inspectors, if cargo 
and/or vessel is found to be infested and provided clean bills of lading were issued, fumigation cost, if any, are for owners account. 

17. 2.5 % commission maximum. 2.5 % to Panalpina if offered direct. If owners offer through a broker, then 2/3 of 2.5 % to Panalpina and 1/3 of 2.5 % to owners broker.

For further information, call Panalpina 202/659-2825.




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