Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ghana: FAS Accra Regional Ag Developments

This quarterly publication provides a summary of local and regional developments relevant to U.S. food and agricultural trade covering Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Togo.
Charts and Graphs

Infographic: International Year of Pulses

Infographic discussing the role of pulse crops in sustainable food production and food security, as well as their contributing $944 million to total U.S. ag exports in 2016.
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently hosted five Ethiopian food companies on a two day mission to Kampala to learn from a leading Ugandan food processor about producing and marketing...
The Government of Ethiopia and international partners continue to work together to respond to the drought-related humanitarian needs.
Dr. Gregory L. Parham, USDA’s Assistant Secretary for Administration, recently visited Ethiopia where he opened the 3rd Pan African Conference on SPS Risk Analysis.
The US Department of Agriculture is working in partnership with the United Nations World Food Program to provide school feeding assistance to more than 260,000 students in Ethiopia.
Under USDA’s Food for Progress Program, USDA and ACDI/VOCA are working together to support the development of Ethiopia’s livestock feed sector...
Under USDA’s Food for Progress Program, USDA and ACDI/VOCA are working together to support the development of Ethiopia’s livestock feed sector...
Under USDA’s Food for Progress Program, USDA and ACDI/VOCA are working together to support the development of Ethiopia’s livestock feed sector...
Under USDA’s Food for Progress Program, USDA and ACDI/VOCA are working together to support the development of Ethiopia’s livestock feed sector.