Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Mexico has not officially reported any approvals for genetically engineered (GE) agricultural products for food and feed use since May 2018. Additionally, Mexico has not approved any permit applications for cultivation of GE crop (cotton and alfalfa)...
On August 17, 2021, the European Commission (EC) approved seven genetically engineered (GE) crops (3 corn, 2 soybean, 1 rapeseed, and 1 cotton) and renewed the authorizations for two corn and one rapeseed crop used for food and animal feed.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

El Salvador: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

There is no legal impediment to the use of biotechnology in El Salvador. Genetically engineered (GE) corn field trials were successfully completed.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Although biotechnology laws (i.e., Pakistan Biosafety Rules of 2005, Seed Amendment Act 2015 and Plant Breeders Rights Act 2018, etc.) exist in Pakistan, the rules and administrative processes....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Peru's 10-year moratorium on genetically engineered (GE) crops and zero tolerance for GE events is scheduled to expire in 2021.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

South Africa has a robust and experienced regulatory system for genetically engineered (GE) products which started with the publication of its “GMO” act in 1997.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Colombia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Colombia remains open to the adoption of biotech-derived commodities and innovative technologies.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Many Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Member States have undertaken efforts to comply with their obligations under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) to the Convention on Biological Diversity....
In January 2019, China approved five new genetically engineered traits and renewed the bio-safety certificates for 26 traits previously approved.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Africa: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

The production area of genetically engineered (GE) corn, soybean and cotton in South Africa is estimated at around 2.7 million hectares.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Colombia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Colombia remains open to the adoption of biotech-derived commodities and innovative technologies.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Pakistan continues to make significant progress towards implementing a full-fledged biotechnology and seed regulatory structure that is expected to facilitate the introduction of new seed....