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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Grain and Feed Update

FAS Bangkok forecasts Thailand’s rice and corn production to increase in MY 2024/25 due to acreage expansion and average yield improvement, compared to MY 2023/24.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Grain and Feed Update

Driven mainly by higher demand from feed mills, higher consumption of flour-based food during the consecutive religious festivities and general election, as well as demand for alternative staples cheaper than rice and trending flour-based foods, Indonesian wheat imports in 2023/24 are estimated to break record levels at 12.6 million metric tons (MMT).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Philippines: Grain and Feed Update

Despite record production and ample stocks, the Philippines is forecast to import a record volume of rice. Large imports are spurred in part by high domestic prices and the recent government decision to reduce tariffs from 35 to 15 percent.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Grain and Feed Update

Higher feed demand from broiler, aquaculture, and ruminants will push total feed use slightly higher in MY2024/25 with greater corn inclusion into feed rations than previous years. MY2024/25 corn production is forecast larger than MY2023/24 with larger yields.
On May 8, 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) announced the issuance of new and renewed biosafety certificates for genetically engineered (GE) and gene-edited events.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Burma: Grain and Feed Annual

Exporters and importers continue to face much uncertainty due to the military regime’s foreign currency control policies and continuing conflict between the regime and ethnic armed forces. FAS Rangoon forecasts Burma’s MY 2024/25 rice exports to recover to 1.7 MMT amid high stocks and expected relaxation of export controls. MY 2024/25 corn exports and wheat imports will remain flat.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Grain and Feed Annual

In 2023, feed demand was low due to weak demand in Europe and the United States for Vietnamese produced aquaculture products. Post expects aquaculture and livestock production to rebound in the in MY 2024/25 increasing overall feed demand and as a result also increasing corn consumption. As domestic corn production remains uncompetitive with foreign imports, corn imports are forecast to grow Wheat imports are forecast to decline due to market volatility.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Korea: Grain and Feed Annual

The Korean government’s policy incentivizing farmers to replace rice acreage with other crops is the driving force behind record low rice planting and production projected in marketing year (MY) 2024/25.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Taiwan: Grain and Feed Annual

In MY2024/2025, Taiwan’s wheat imports are forecast at 1.4 MMT. The United States is expected to recover market share from Australia due to better competitiveness and availability. MY2023/2024 and MY2024/2025 corn imports are forecast to recover to 4.55 MMT due to improved feed demand outlook, with restocking in both the hog and poultry sectors.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Grain and Feed Annual

Feed production is forecast lower on declining demand from poultry and livestock producers. Corn production in MY2024/25 is forecast larger than MY2023/24 due to improved yields and a slightly larger planting area, despite government policies encouraging increased soy area and reduced corn area.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Grain and Feed Annual

The Red Sea conflict is not expected to pose significant threats to Indonesian grain imports. Driven by demand from the recent general elections, as well as high local corn prices, imports of wheat for food and feed consumption are estimated to...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Grain and Feed Annual

FAS Bangkok forecasts Thailand’s rice and corn production to marginally increase in MY 2024/25 along with expanded acreage in response to current attractive farm-gate prices. In 2025, Thailand will likely export 7.5 million metric tons of rice or well above its 5-year average.