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Weekly Report as of April 24, 2020, of COVID-19 impact on the Indian harvest of Rabi (Winter) crops.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Although biotechnology laws (i.e., Pakistan Biosafety Rules of 2005, Seed Amendment Act 2015 and Plant Breeders Rights Act 2018, etc.) exist in Pakistan, the rules and administrative processes....
On February 6, 2020, the State Council Tariff Commission announced that China would cut in half the additional tariffs for certain commodities from the United States on February 14, 2020.
On December 24, 2018, Korea issued an updated list of adjustment tariffs and voluntary tariff rate quotas (TRQs) for certain agricultural, forestry and fishery products....
The recovery of monsoon rain levels in August has led to improved soil moisture in Central India which will bolster crop development.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: China Announces Increases to Additional Tariffs

On August 23, 2019, the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF), State Council Tariff Commission (SCTC) announced new tariffs on certain U.S. products, valued at $75 billion USD.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

India: Monsoon Update June 2019

The pace of plantings for all major kharif crops is slower than last year as delayed monsoon rains and low reservoir storage levels have resulted in lower planted area.
The Fall Armyworm (FAW; Spodoptera frugiperda) – a crop-eating pest – first detected in China in January 2019 has now spread across 15 Chinese provinces....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Voracious Fall Armyworm Invades South China

The Fall Armyworm (FAW; Spodoptera frugiperda) – a crop-eating pest – first detected in China in January 2019 has spread across China’s southern border and currently impacts about 8,500 hectares....
According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the cumulative rainfall for the Southwest Monsoon 2018 (June to September) was 9 percent lower than the fifty-year average....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

India: Monsoon Update

The cumulative rainfall for the Southwest Monsoon 2018 reported by the Indian Meteorological Department, as of September 23, 2018, was 9 percent lower than the fifty-year average.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Pakistan continues to make significant progress towards implementing a full-fledged biotechnology and seed regulatory structure that is expected to facilitate the introduction of new seed....