Facility Guarantee Program

Application Deadline
Deadline: September 30th, 2024   |   Status: Open

New to the Program?  Start by submitting the Exporter Qualification Application.

Program Parameters

Participants are advised to note the following program parameters and limitations that are referenced in 7 CFR 1493 subpart C.

  • Maximum Tenor: 10 years (Maximum tenor allowable will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the details of the transaction including, but not limited to, the destination country and the country of the foreign financial institution.) 
  • Initial Payment:  For transactions with tenor of 24 months or longer, 15 percent of the net contract value. For transactions with tenor less than 24 months, no initial payment is required.
  • Maximum Guarantee Coverage (Principal): For transactions with tenor of 24 months or longer, 100 percent (after deduction of the initial payment). For transactions with tenor of less than 24 months, 98 percent. 
  • Eligible Local Costs Percentage: Up to 50 percent
  • Eligible Interest: The lesser of (1) the interest rate specified between the U.S. financial institution (or seller) and the foreign financial institution; or (2) 55 percent of the average investment rate of the most recent 52-week Treasury bill auction as announced by the U.S. Department of the Treasury prior to the date the eligible interest rate is established or adjusted. For a given contractual event, the interest rate used to calculate eligible interest will be established as of the date of performance and remain in effect through the first interest and/or principal due date. The Commodity Credit Corporation will adjust that rate as of each interest and/or principal due date. The adjusted rate shall take effect on the day after an interest and/or principal due date and remain in effect though the next interest and/or principal due date.

[Note: In the event of any discrepancy between this website and the payment guarantee, the language on the payment guarantee shall prevail.]


Provides credit guarantees for infrastructure improvements in countries where demand for U.S. agricultural products may be limited by lack of adequate facilities.