2018 Borlaug Fellowship Research Priorities by Country

 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Country Targeted Research Areas Contact
Algeria Resilient Agriculture:  to research new models of crop and livestock production to increase productivity under varying environmental conditions and to ensure food security; including topics such as new farming and livestock breeding practices, agricultural waste management, pricing, and products marketing

Biotechnology:  to conduct research on improving vegetal production through characterization of biological resources and using biotechnology tools to increase productivity of native crop varieties 
USDA-FAS Algiers

Bangladesh Plant Health:  to research wheat blast/plant and disease pathology

Food Safety:  to research food safety measures, including laboratory analysis, to develop higher food safety standards

Burkina Faso Biotechnology:  to research plant genetic resources, genomics, and genetic improvement using innovative agricultural technologies to enhance agricultural productivity and ensure a high quality, safe supply of agricultural products

Food Safety:  to enhance and protect public health and agriculture through the development of technologies, strategies, policies, and data that safeguard food from pathogens, toxins, and chemical contaminants during production, processing, and preparation

Agricultural Systems:  to develop sustainable agricultural innovations and systems that are cost efficient,  profitable,  market driven, and enhance the renewable natural resource base by researching a) how to utilize on-farm resources and natural ecosystems to reduce the need for purchased inputs, reduce production costs and risks; b) precision management, automation, and other technologies that create production efficiencies and enhance environmental benefits
USDA-FAS Dakar Joshua.Lagos@fas.usda.gov

Cambodia Post-harvest loss:  to research and develop methods to reduce post-harvest loss in rice production

Animal Health and Nutrition:  to providing training and supporting research on nutrition for cattle and nutrition-productivity-health nexus

Food Safety - Antimicrobials:  to provide training and supporting research on the science-based approach using antimicrobials in livestock production and dealing with the issue of antimicrobial residues in food as well as antimicrobial resistance

Colombia Food Safety:  to conduct research and training on food safety practices in the US, including risk analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, coordination among national and state level authorities on food safety prevention and action plans

Risk Analysis:  to conduct research and training on risk assessment, risk management, risk communication, as well as qualitative and quantitative modeling and data management

Costa Rica Resilient Agriculture:  to research methods for lowering greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture

Plant Health:  to research coffee rust and explore options for minimizing its negative impacts

Egypt Resilient Agriculture:  to conduct research on the use of genomics and gene marketers to identify drought tolerant traits, yield and other traits

Agricultural Systems:  to research greenhouse vegetable production using hydroponics, including:  (i) Vegetable production, (ii) Management of production under hydroponic systems, (iii) Nutrient requirements, (iv) Optimum levels of production, (v) Integrated pest management under protected hydroponic systems  

Resilient Agriculture:  to research issues related to sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; adapting and building resilience to environmental variability; and reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions
Office of Agricultural Affairs, Cairo

Ethiopia Plant Health:  to research maize lethal necrosis, wheat stem rust, and other harmful diseases and pests of corn, wheat, and sorghum to provide higher grain yields and improved food security

Animal Health:  to research zoonotic disease prevention and preparedness; to improve the capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious zoonotic disease threats

Resilient Agriculture:  to research drought and heat-tolerant crops, irrigation, water management, and other topics related to improving capacity to respond to droughts and other weather-related events
Office of Agricultural Affairs, Ethiopia

Georgia Field Crops and Horticulture:  to conduct research in crop and horticultural improvement and management to include fruits, berries, and grains Office of Agricultural Affairs, Georgia

Ghana Post-harvest Loss:  to research methods for reducing post-harvest losses of crops, including aflatoxin effects, in the whole value chain

Nutrition:  to research improved methods of processing, preserving, and using nuts, peas, and soy while preserving their nutrient content

Biotechnology:  to research socioeconomic effect of biotechnology policy:  developing pest resistance, nitrogen efficiency, drought resistance, delayed ripening and enhanced nutritional properties in fruits, grains, and vegetables

Guatemala Post harvest loss:  to conduct research on aflatoxin and mycotoxin control and prevention in food grains.

Resilient Agriculture:  to conduct research on breeding techniques and methods (including hybrids, biotech, and traditional) to develop new drought-resistant crops
USDA-FAS Guatemala

Honduras Quarantine and non-quarantine pests:  to conduct research on quarantine and non-quarantine pests; especially on trogoderma glabrum

Resilient Agriculture:  to conduct research on breeding techniques and methods (including hybrids, biotech, and traditional) to develop new drought-resistant crops
USDA-FAS Honduras

India Plant Health:  to research wheat blast/plant and disease pathology

Food Safety:  to research food safety measures, including laboratory analysis, to develop higher food safety standards

Biofuels:  to research cellulosic biomass (e.g., agriculture waste stream) supply chain including methods for the development and utilization for sustainable biofuel development
USDA-FAS New Delhi

Indonesia Market Information Systems:  to develop crop area estimation procedures and crop yield models, based on the applications of remote sensing and/or Geographic Information System (GIS)Agricultural; data analysis and dissemination

Breeding and Genetics:  to conduct research and develop skills in plant breeding, such as gene mapping, gene expression, gene deletion, gene introduction, marker-assisted plant breeding, DNA mapping, etc.
USDA-FAS Jakarta

Jordan Market Information Systems:  to understand cooperative structure development to support value chain development in fresh produce sector

Resilient Agriculture:  to research new models for using water conservation in agriculture
Office of Agricultural Affairs, Cairo

Kazakhstan Animal Health:  to conduct research in improving animal health including breeding techniques, disease identification, prevention, and treatment, and overall heard management USDA-FAS-Moscow

Kenya Food Safety:  to adopt and apply international standards in testing of meat and dairy products

Biotechnology:  to enhance the capacity for biosafety testing of genetically engineered products

Animal Health/Nutrition:  to research innovative technologies in the formulation of animal feeds
USDA-FAS Nairobi

Liberia Post-harvest Loss:  to research methods for reducing post-harvest losses of crops, including aflatoxin effects, in the whole value chain

Nutrition:  to research improved methods of processing, preserving, and using nuts, peas, and soy while preserving their nutrient content

Biotechnology:  to research socioeconomic effect of biotechnology policy:  developing pest resistance, nitrogen efficiency, drought resistance, delayed ripening and enhanced nutritional properties in fruits, grains, and vegetables

Malawi Food Safety:  to adopt and apply international standards in testing of meat and dairy products

Biotechnology:  to enhance the capacity for biosafety testing of genetically gngineered products

Animal Health/Nutrition:  to research innovative technologies in the formulation of animal feeds
USDA-FAS Nairobi

Malaysia Agriculture Biotechnology:  to conduct research using marker assist breeding to identifying fungal pathogens and viral infection in developing anew rice variety that is resistant to diseases and infections

Agriculture Biotechnology:  to conduct research on fundamental plant nutrition and its influence on organic plant health and produce

Animal Biotechnology:  to research conventional breeding tools to improve dairy production and genetics in the humid climates
USDA-FAS Kuala Lumpur

Mexico Resilient Agriculture:  to research the impact of ethanol on specific pollutants and overall air quality

Biotechnology:  to research alternatives to reduce enteric fermentation from livestock/greenhouse gas emissions using biotechnology

Dairy Genetics:  to research tools and techniques for breeding and improved genetics for dairy herds, collaborate on research for genetic techniques, and provide exposure to U.S. practices and genetic resources

Mongolia Food Safety:  to research risk assessment protocols in the US; testing and calibration of equipment including training on DNA traceability capabilities to support the recall of products before they enter the commercial supply chain

Animal Diseases and Veterinary Science:  to research the effects of weather variability on animal health and determine approaches to mitigate it
USDA-FAS Beijing

Morocco Biotechnology:  to enhance researcher capacities to develop, promote, and defend the safe use of biotechnology in the promotion of global food security

Market Information Systems:  to improve international production forecasts through advanced uses of remote sensing, GPS, and GIS

Mozambique Biotechnology:  to expand the applications of agricultural biotechnology, such as  the developing improved food crop varieties, plant genetics, genome engineering and technologies, and biosecurity/SPS issues related to new technologies, and others

Plant Health:  to research integrated pest management for Fall Armyworm
USDA-FAS Pretoria

Nicaragua Plant Health:  to research coffee rust and explore options for minimizing its negative impacts USDA-FAS San Jose

Panama Plant Health:  to research coffee rust and explore options for minimizing its negative impacts USDA-FAS San Jose

Peru Agro-financing and Rural development: to understand the U.S.'s farm credit and financing system

Resilient Agriculture:  to research techniques developed in the United States to adapt and/or become more resilient to extreme weather events

Post harvest loss:  to research and develop mitigation programs for heavy metals toxicity in cacao

Philippines Resilient Agriculture:  to develop policies for climate smart agricultural practices including incorporation of modern farm technologies that help build climate-resiliency that will strengthen production in strategic agricultural and fishery zones

WTO Trade Facilitation (SPS):  to research and raise knowledge on WTO trade facilitation measures as well as Sanitary/Phyto-Sanitary agreements and standards

Market Information Systems:  to research technology for commercialization of certain high-value agricultural products

Rwanda Food Safety:  to adopt and apply international standards in testing of meat and dairy products

Biotechnology:  to enhance the capacity for biosafety testing of genetically rngineered products

Animal Health/Nutrition:  to research innovative technologies in the formulation of animal feeds
USDA-FAS Nairobi

Senegal Biotechnology:  to research plant genetic resources, genomics, and genetic improvement using innovative agricultural technologies to enhance agricultural productivity and ensure a high quality, safe supply of agricultural products

Food Safety:  to enhance and protect public health and agriculture through the development of technologies, strategies, policies, and data that safeguard food from pathogens, toxins, and chemical contaminants during production, processing, and preparation

Agricultural Systems:  to develop sustainable agricultural innovations and systems that are cost efficient,  profitable,  market driven, and enhance the renewable natural resource base by researching a) how to utilize on-farm resources and natural ecosystems to reduce the need for purchased inputs, reduce production costs and risks; b) precision management, automation, and other technologies that create production efficiencies and enhance environmental benefits
USDA-FAS Senegal

South Africa Animal Health/Breeding and Genetics:  to research livestock genetics topics such as animal breeding and reproduction, animal genomics, and animal genetics managements, and others

Biotechnology:  to expand the applications of agricultural biotechnology, such as  the developing improved food crop varieties, plant genetics, genome engineering and technologies, and biosecurity/SPS issues related to new technologies, and others

Plant Health:  to research integrated pest management for Fall Armyworm
USDA-FAS Pretoria

Sri Lanka Food Safety:  to research food safety measures, including laboratory analysis, to develop higher food safety standards

Biofuels:  to research cellulosic biomass (e.g., agriculture waste stream) supply chain including methods for the development and utilization for sustainable biofuel development
USDA-FAS New Delhi

Tanzania Food Safety:  to adopt and apply international standards in testing of meat and dairy products

Biotechnology:  to enhance the capacity for biosafety testing of Genetically  Engineered (GE) products

Animal Health/Nutrition:  to research innovative technologies in the formulation of animal feeds
USDA-FAS Nairobi

Thailand WTO Trade Facilitation:  to analyze of the effects of domestic trade barriers on the competitiveness on Thai industries

Food Safety:  to develop a risk assessment model for daily intake of pesticides

Animal Health:  to develop regionalization for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
USDA-FAS Bangkok

Tunisia Biotechnology:  to enhance researcher capacities to develop, promote, and defend the safe use of biotechnology in the promotion of global food security

Market Information Systems:  to improve international production forecasts through advanced uses of remote sensing, GPS, and GIS

Agricultural Systems:  to identify economic inefficiencies for reform in the value chain for wheat, targeting but not limited to procurement, milling, and human consumption
USDA-FAS Morocco        Nabil.Maouia@fas.usda.gov

Turkey Biotechnology:  to conduct research on the risk assessment, risk management and risk communication and risk perception of biotechnology

Pest Risk Assessments: to conduct research on pest risk assessments, international standards for phytosanitary measures, and the proper development of quarantine lists
USDA-FAS Turkey Elizabeth.Leonardi@fas.usda.gov

Uganda Food Safety:  to adopt and apply international standards in testing of meat and dairy products

Biotechnology:  to enhance the capacity for biosafety testing of genetically  engineered products

Animal Health/Nutrition:  to research innovative technologies in the formulation of animal feeds
USDA-FAS Nairobi

Ukraine Animal Health:  to conduct research on African Swine Fever and Lumpy Skin Disease

Animal Genetics:  to conduct research in animal genetics related to embryo transfer, breed development or improvement for both livestock and swine sectors

Food Processing:  to conduct research in food processing technologies, the use of different ingredients, and product development and testing

Vietnam Feed and Food Safety - Antimicrobials:  to provide training on the science-based approach using antimicrobials in livestock production and dealing with the issue of antimicrobial residues in food as well as antimicrobial resistance

Animal Biotechnology:  to conduct research on science-based biotechnology regulatory development, based on APHIS/EPA/FDA guidelines.  Providing a better understanding of regulations for current products such as GE salmon, GE silkworm, and ongoing genomic research in areas such as dairy cattle

Water Management for Aquatic Animals:  to conduct research on water quality management in relation to aquaculture and aquatic animals to ensure disease control and feed/food safety; to learn and potentially adopt FDA, FSIS, NOAA and industry regulations and policy approaches on the development of water quality management and seafood disease prevention and control
USDA-FAS- Vietnam/Hanoi

Zambia Biotechnology:  to expand the applications of agricultural biotechnology, such as  the developing improved food crop varieties, plant genetics, genome engineering and technologies, and biosecurity/SPS issues related to new technologies, and others

Plant Health:  to research integrated pest management for Fall Armyworm
USDA-FAS- Pretoria
