2016 Borlaug Fellowship Research Priorities by Country

 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Country Targeted Research Areas Contact
Algeria Climate Smart Agriculture - Research focused on soil and water management; new models of crop production practices to increase productivity under climate change and environmental stress

Genetics & Breeding - Plant breeding and biotechnology techniques to develop new Alfalfa seeds varieties that are stress tolerant, resistant to drought, and suitable for saline soils or arid conditions
USDA-FAS Algiers

Bangladesh Biotechnology - Plant and animal genomic applications that lead to the creation of new agricultural  technologies that enhance food security

Climate Smart Agriculture - New agricultural technologies to increase productivity, enhance resiliency (e.g., reduced vulernability to pests, drought, diseases, or erratic weather. etc.), or reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Post-Harvest Loss -  technology that addresses issues such as packaging processes, food safety and quality, food losses/waste, etc.

Colombia Biofuels - Extend knowledge on biofuels to ameliorate the impact of climate change

Pest Residue Detection - Establish sustainable agriculture standards for fruit and vegetable production; generate tools to implement more sensitive and broad spectrum methodologies as support to farmers who want to be certified in agriculture good practices

Plant Health - Develop in situ and immediate detection methods for Citrus Greening Disease (HLB) for early detection by small farmers

Costa Rica Climate Smart Agriculture - Lowering agricultural emissions of greenhouse gasses

Plant Health - Develop capacity to manage coffee rust and explore options for minimizing its negative impacts

Egypt Food Safety - Hormone use in cattle and food safety of the beef derived thereof

Plant Health - Developing SPS regulations for seed potatoes
Office of Agricultural Affairs, Cairo

Ethiopia Biotechnology - Development and adoption of Biotech Cotton

Food Safety - Standards development, harmonization, and enforcement

Plant Health - Corn and Wheat Diseases
Office of Agricultural Affairs, Ethiopia

Ghana Animal Health - Technologies for the detection, prevention, and control of poultry diseases

Biotechnoloogy - Principles of biosafety and environmental safety associated with transgenic crops

Food Safety - Testing and inspection equipment used in food safety analysis; risk assessment protocols; DNA traceability capabilities


Guatemala Agricultural and Food Policy - Raise awarness and define integrated, national agricultural, and food policies to address rural development and economic growth

Climate Smart Agriculture - Provide technological tools to improve agricultural productivity through agroecology, integrated pest management, and sustainable agriculture (soil and water conservation) to increase production

CAFTA-DR and WTO Compliance - Address obligations of CAFTA-DR and WTO including full compliance with existing fundamental agreements on SPS/TBT, Free Trade and Trade Facilitation, including IPR (UPOV).
USDA-FAS Guatemala

India Biotechnology - Plant and animal genomic applications that lead to the creation of new agricultural  technologies that enhance food security

Climate Smart Agriculture - New agricultural technologies to increase productivity, enhance resiliency (e.g., reduced vulernability to pests, drought, diseases, or erratic weather. etc.), or reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Post-Harvest Loss -  technology that addresses issues such as packaging processes, food safety and quality, food losses/waste, etc.
USDA-FAS New Delhi

Indonesia Breeding and Genetics - New technologies and skills in the plant breeding field, such as gene mapping, gene expression, gene deletion, gene introduction, marker-assisted plant breeding, DNA mapping, and other tools

Post-Harvest Loss - Strategies to improve grain handling, storage, drying, and supply chain/logistics
USDA-FAS Jakarta
Jordan Natural Resources Management (Water) - New techniques and developments in hydroculture production

Post harvest Loss - To research best practices and new methods to reduce post harvest losses

Rangeland Management - Use of techniques such as  remote sensing, GPS, and biodiversity conservation to improve rangeland management

Office of Agricultural Affairs, Cairo
Kazakhstan Animal Health & Nutrition - Improve animal disease diagnosis, surveillance, and prevention (FMD, Brucellosis, Swine Diseases, Avian diseases and others)

Animal Breeding - Cattle breeding to improve purebred and crossed lines of beef cattle
To apply, please send an email to
Kenya Agricultural Extension - Connecting scientific results with farmers

Food Safety - Aflatoxin control

Plant Health - Training and breeding on Cassava Mosaic Virus and/or Cassava Brown Streak Disease
USDA-FAS Nairobi

Malawi Agricultural Extension - Connecting scientific results with farmers

Food Safety - Aflatoxin control

Plant Health - Training and breeding on Cassava Mosaic Virus and/or Cassava Brown Streak Disease
USDA-FAS Nairobi

Malaysia Biotechnology - Use of genomics and gene marketrs to identify yield and other traits

Breeding and Genetics - Use of conventional breeding tools to improve crop output and fruit traits

Plant Health - Identifying plant diseases, their modes of reproduction, and potential production risk
USDA-FAS Kuala Lumpur

Mexico Biotechnology - Develop stress resistance crops; risk and economic analysis; and science communication for the general public about biotech

Agricultural Extension - Improve technology and information transfer from Mexican universities; higher education through extension activities to Mexican producers and their communities

Mongolia Animal Health - Training in rapid analysis of diagnostic lab samples and the reliable dissemination of results for animal diseases

Food Safety - Training and experience on testing and inspection equipment used in food safety analysis; risk assessment protocols; DNA traceability capabilities

Rangelands - Management strategies for Mongolian rangelands; rangeland systems, tools, and technologies for applying resilience-based rangeland management
USDA-FAS Beijing

Morocco Biotechnology - Certified Seed and the use of biotechnology to improve of grain seed varieties available to farmers

Natural Resources Management - Water management; irrigation policies and technologies

Plant Health - Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of Citrus and Date diseases
Sarah.Hanson@usda.gov or

Mozambique Climate Smart Agriculture - Quantitative genetics (plant and animal), bioinformatics,  aquaculture biotechnology,  aquaculture genetics, biosecurity/phytosanitary issues in horticultural production

Post-Harvest Loss - Examine supply chain, post-harvest loss, and food distribution systems, including food safety and regulatory policies, to ensure exports to U.S. are safe and compliant with U.S. laws and regulations
USDA-FAS Pretoria

Nicaragua Biotechnology - Build the technical capacity of the country to develop and manage an effective regulatory system

Plant Health - Develop capacity to manage coffee rust and explore options for minimizing its negative impacts

Panama Biotechnology - Increase institutional knowledge in biotechnology to develop implementing regulations

Plant Health - Develop capacity to manage coffee rust and explore options for minimizing its negative impacts

Peru Animal Health - Genetics and livestock improvement to enhance capacity in dairy cattle; farm management; dairy genetics; nutrition

Biotechnology - Regulatory frameworks and environmental issues associated with biotech crops to recognize the importance of developing agricultural biotechnology

Pest Management - Develop an integrated pest management program for agroindustrial crops

Philippines Agriculture Market Information Systems - Improving agricultural statistics and/or study of consumption patterns and trends

Breeding and Genetics - Develop an effective animal breeding and genetic program to improve animal productivity (Examples:  embryo and sexing technology, animal identification and traceability system)

Post-Harvest Loss - Examine supply chain, post-harvest loss, and food distribution systems, including food safety and regulatory policies, to ensure exports to U.S. are safe and compliant with U.S. laws and regulations

Rwanda Agricultural Extension - Connecting scientific results with farmers

Food Safety - Aflatoxin control

Plant Health - Training and breeding on Cassava Mosaic Virus and/or Cassava Brown Streak Disease
USDA-FAS Nairobi

Senegal Climate Smart Agriculture  - New agricultural technologies that address climate change to increase productivity, enhance resiliency (e.g., reduced vulernability to pests, drought, diseases, or  erratic weather. etc.), or reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Genetics & Breeding - Animal breeding to improve sheep and cattle breeds; plant breeding to improve caracteristic using embryo transfer techniques and reproduction; production of diagnostic kit and vaccines; genetic enginneering

Post-Harvest Loss - To research best practices and new methods to reduce post harvest losses
USDA-FAS Senegal

South Africa Climate Smart Agriculture - Quantitative genetics (plant and animal), bioinformatics,  aquaculture biotechnology,  aquaculture genetics, biosecurity/phytosanitary issues in horticultural production

Post-Harvest Loss - Examine supply chain, post-harvest loss, and food distribution systems, including food safety and regulatory policies, to ensure exports to U.S. are safe and compliant with U.S. laws and regulations
USDA-FAS Pretoria

Sri Lanka Biotechnology - Plant and animal genomic applications that lead to the creation of new agricultural  technologies that enhance food security

Climate Smart Agriculture - New agricultural technologies to increase productivity, enhance resiliency (e.g., reduced vulernability to pests, drought, diseases, or erratic weather. etc.), or reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Post-Harvest Loss -  technology that addresses issues such as packaging processes, food safety and quality, food losses/waste, etc.
USDA-FAS New Delhi

Tanzania Agricultural Extension - Connecting scientific results with farmers

Food Safety - Aflatoxin control

Plant Health - Training and breeding on Cassava Mosaic Virus and/or Cassava Brown Streak Disease
USDA-FAS Nairobi
Thailand Agricultural Market Inforamtion Systems - Agricultural Forecasting Technique: tools and techniques for agricultural production, supply, and demand forcast, crop assesment, remote censing

Agricultural Market Information Systems - Risk assessment model for daily intake of pesticides (modeling technique and software)
USDA-FAS Bangkok
Turkey Animal Health & Nutrition - Develop the capactiy for better livestock feeding practices

Biotechnology - Develop the capacity in risk assessment, risk communication, and risk management

Pest Risk Assessments - Develop the capacity in international standards for Phytosanitary measures and proper development of quarantine lists
To apply, please send an email to  Jess.Paulson@fas.usda.gov
Uganda Animal Health - Diagnosis, control and prevention measures of zoonotic diseases, such as brucellosis USDA-FAS Nairobi

Ukraine Production Agriculture - Improve irrigation systems and varietal development of drought resistant crops, incorporation of biotechnology, advance tillage systems, and post harvet loss

Veterinary Sciences/Food Safety - Improve risk analysis and management, disease and pest control, sanitary and phytosanitary systems
To apply, please send an email to Nataliia.Petrova@fas.usda.gov
Vietnam Animal Health - Swine diseases, specifically Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)

Food Safety - Train Vietnamese researchers or government officials on risk management strategies to ensure food safety in seafood products (shrimp and catfish)

Post-Harvest Loss - General post harvest research on tropical fruit, focusing on dragonfruit, litchi, longan, and rambutan
USDA-FAS- Vietnam/Hanoi

Zambia Climate Smart Agriculture - Quantitative genetics (plant and animal), bioinformatics,  aquaculture biotechnology,  aquaculture genetics, biosecurity/phytosanitary issues in horticultural production

Post-Harvest Loss - Examine supply chain, post-harvest loss, and food distribution systems, including food safety and regulatory policies, to ensure exports to U.S. are safe and compliant with U.S. laws and regulations
USDA-FAS Pretoria
