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Ghana’s modern retail outlets are in the country’s large urban centers, where the major shopping malls are located. Beyond the capital city of Accra and the regional capitals, retail stores tend to be smaller. The retail sector is dominated by small local grocers, who control 83 percent of the market.
This report outlines Ghanaian government requirements for the importation of food and agricultural products for human and animal consumption. The report aims to assist U.S. exporters by providing an assessment of laws and requirements for food and agricultural products imposed on imports.
This report highlights all major certificates and permits that the Government of Ghana (GoG) requires for exporting food and agricultural products from the United States into the country.
Ghana’s economic decline is starting to stabilize after the country sought International Monetary Fund (IMF) support through an Extended Credit Facility (ECF) program worth approximately $3 billion.
Alcoholic beverages imported into Ghana increased from $56 million in 2019 to $87 million in 2023. Similarly, imports of U.S. alcoholic beverages to Ghana are on an upward trend in the same period from $267,000 in 2019 to $1 million in 2023.
Fresh fruit bunch (FBB) and kernel yields are expected to remain high in MY2024/25 due to stabilized fertilizer prices and a good weather forecast. In response to the growing domestic and export demands, MY2024/25 soybean production forecast has been raised by 16 percent over the preceding year’s estimate.
Ghana’s food processing industry is developing and remains a major importer of ingredients for food processing. These imports will continue to grow as the sector is unable to meet increased demand.
Imports of wheat and rice are forecast up in MY2024/25 mainly because of increased consumption. Corn and rice production is expected to increase due to favorable weather conditions, adoption of improved seed varieties, and the implementation of the second phase of the Government of Ghana’s (GOG) farmer support program.
Ghana continues to demonstrate its conviction that proven science-based advanced technologies remain viable options in the global efforts to achieve food security in the face of various production constraints like climate change.
Post forecasts Ghana’s MY2024 chicken meat imports at 270,000 metric tons (MT), unchanged from the preceding year’s estimate.
U.S. wine, poultry, rice, and beef are gaining in popularity as the Ghanaian HRI industry looks to expand their offerings to attract more hi-end business.
Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA) on Friday September 15, 2023, approved the Bt cowpea event 245F (Cry2Ab) for environmental release.